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Protect your data.

We can help businesses of any size with their SCO UNIX server.

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Why back up your data?

Backing up your server is critical to protecting your business. A backup should include the operating system, all programs and data plus any installed devices. SCO Unix has several utilities for performing backups. There are also commercial backups programs to perform your backups. A backup rotation schedule with some backups being stored off-site is preferred.

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We can help!

We have decades of experience in evaluating existing backup systems, upgrading older systems, and creating backup systems from scratch. Let Ion Software Solutions (formerly Aperion) evaluate your backup process to verify that your backups are readable and use best practices to protect your company’s data. Most older UNIX servers use tape backups, but our staff can also set up backups to network storage devices or backup your data to offsite storage, commonly referred to as “in the cloud.”

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